Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Book is a matter what the cover looks like

So this weekend was my 30th Birthday Bash and boy was it fun! Friends came in from all over just to celebrate the awesomeness of me (see how modest I am?)

And I couldn't have asked for a better time. Well with that being said, as a treat from my "wife" Nicole, I was given a leather bound journal and she asked everyone that came to the party to sign it and she would give it to me later. So the night went on and the party swelled to the point where I probably couldn't have more fun - but then everyone sang to me and Nicole gave a very moving speech that made want to tear up. I still think maybe it was the alcohol - or maybe I am just that big of a sap.

Later, after the party had ended and I had made it home (safely thanks to my wonderful brother) I sat down and opened the leather journal to read the contents of what my friends had written to me. And what I read made me smile and cry and beam with pride. I have some of the best and I mean BEST  friends in the whole world. Some of the things that were written moved me to the point of tears and I loved it.

Nicole gave me one stipulation - the book had to be used. Whether it was for writing down my thoughts, dreams, quotes I like or even clips from magazines. It had to be used and dammit, I plan on using it! So a book is a book, regardless of it's cover. And it can hold meaning to someone without it meaning a damn thing to anyone else.

So maybe a journal is something that will inspire you as well.
Happy reading everyone!

1 comment:

  1. And Happy Birthday, Fabulous Lady. I'm so glad I got to be here to celebrate with you! <3 ~K
